2015年11月30日 星期一

English Vocabulary and Etymology(Week7)


uni-: single

uniform (n.) without variations in detail
example: The laboratory is kept at a uniform temperature.

unique (adj.) existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics
example: The custom is unique to the region.

union (n.) 1.something formed by uniting two or more things; combination
                 2. a group of states or nations united into one political body
example: We are working for the union of the two countries.
                On State of the union, Powell says Obama may be biting off a bit more than he can chew.

ad-: to, toward, near

advocate (v.) to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly
example: He advocates reforming the prison system.

adjust (v.) to change (something) so that it fits, corresponds, or conforms; adapt; accommodate
example: She must learn to adjust herself to new life.

alter-: change

alteration (n.) 1. the act or process of altering
                       2. parties turning   
example: I makes some alterations in my plan.
                The first alteration of this country happened in 1995.

alternative (adj.) affording a choice of two or more things, propositions, or courses of action
example: There was no alternative route open to her.

-tive: noun

preservative (n.) a chemical substance used to preserve foods or other organic materials from decomposition or fermentation
example: This food contains no artificial preservative.

representative (n.) a person or thing that represents another or others
example: I am the representative of my group.

re-: again

repeat (v.) to say or utter again (something already said)
example: He repeated the answer again.

review (v.) to look at or examine again
example: She is busy reviewing for a test.

-dict-: to say, to tell, word

contradictory (adj.) asserting the contrary or opposite
example: The prisoner's statement is contradictory to the one he'd made earlier.

dictation (n.) the act or manner of transcribing words uttered by another
example: The students wrote at their teacher's dictation.

se-: apart from

select (v.) to choose in preference to another or others
example: She selected a team for the special task.

separate (v.)  to keep apart or divide
example: He was separated from his parents when he was six.


exclude (v.) to shut or keep out; prevent the entrance of
example: The club excluded women from membership.

include (v.) to contain, as a whole does parts or any part or element
example: Mark and I are included in this team.

seclude (v.) to isolate; shut off; keep apart
example: The rich secluded themselves from contact with the poor.


preserve (v.) to keep safe from harm or injury
example: Oil preserves metal from rust.

reserve (v.) 1. to keep back or save for future use
                   2. to keep for oneself
example: We will reserve the money; we may use later.
    These seats are reserved for special guests.

deserve (v.) 
to be worthy of, qualified for
example: They deserved to be punished.

conserve (v.) 
to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of
example: They turned the bicycle lights off to conserve the batteries.


scarecrow (n.) an object, usually a figure of a person in old clothes, set up to frighten crows or other birds away from crops.
example: The scarecrow stands in the form to keep crows away.

expel (v.) 
to drive or force out or away
example: They expelled the journalist from their country.

rotate (v.) 
to cause to turn around an axis or center point; revolve
example: The earth rotates from west to east.

attorney (n.) a lawyer
example: Mr.Smith is a famous attorney.

antonym: district attorney
example: Jack is the district attorney of this case.

